As a person who comes from a middle-class family, The Body Shop is a little out of my "comfort zone" to be quite honest. When everybody can at least buy their products without having to think of how to save up money afterwards, I have to save up my pocket money to at least afford dicount items lol. But hey! I don't mind! It makes the whole saving money journey even worth the while because I love the excitement of buying new stuffs for myself after waiting for some time.
Anyway, I have only shopped once from The Body Shop and it was years ago. Okay, not exactly years ago, probably somewhere in early 2016. I bought a perfume, the strawberry one and it was for the sake of my ex-boyfriend because he really liked the smell. True, the smell was everything. You can never go wrong with The Body Shop's perfumes. This time though, I scored a different type of item; their shower gel. I don't typically spend a lot of money just for my bathroom needs but I couldn't help myself not to try this one when the whole store was throwing off a massive discount on most of their items! I got this one on sale and I didn't regret any single drop of it. It smells so good, it's hydrating, the smell stays for hours after you take a bath.
I can't recommend you enough to try The Body Shop's shower gel variants as well, if you haven't. Since it seems like I'm the only person in this planet that hasn't taken this brand seriously haha!
Siapa sih yang nggak kenal sama bedak Etude House Zero Sebum ini? Kayaknya hampir semua orang udah punya ya. Aku memang terhitung lambat sih buat join trend si Zero Sebum ini. Yaaa gimana dong ya, aku juga baru belajar make-up tuh akhir-akhir ini banget :") Sebelumnya aku udah sering lihat beberapa temanku pada suka bawa bedak ini di tas atau make-up pouch mereka dan setiap hang out sering juga dengar obrolan kayak "Aduh, aku lupa bawa Zero Sebum!" atau "Eh kamu bawa Zero Sebum nggak, minta dong!". Awalnya aku heran aja, ini bedak kok kayak hits banget. Sebenernya apa sih bedanya sama bedak lainnya?
Jadi bedak Zero Sebum dari Etude House ini memang didesain buat membantu menghalau sebum alias minyak di muka yang biasanya jadi masalah terutama buat kita yang tipe kulitnya memang berminyak, termasuk aku nih. Pantes dia populer banget, karena rata-rata orang-orang kalau beraktivitas lewat tengah hari pasti mukanya udah pada mulai jadi kilang minyak kan, nah mereka touch up deh pakai bedak ini. Langsung semua minyak dan kinclong di muka hilang tanpa jejak!
Awalnya waktu buka packagingnya aku kaget karena warna bedaknya putih. Aku sempat takut kalau nanti dipakai di muka dia bakal bikin mukaku juga putih dan jadi nggak menyatu sama warna kulit. Tapiii ternyata ketakutan itu nggak terjadi hahaha. Bedak ini warnanya translucent alias nggak ada coveragenya. Butirannya juga kerasa halus banget di tangan. Satu hal yang harus kalian ingat, kalau kulit kalian tipe yang kering, mungkin kalian nggak aku rekomendasikan pakai bedak ini karena aku yang kulitnya berminyak aja pakai bedak ini bisa kerasa kering juga kalau kebanyakan. Pakai sedikit aja udah ngefek banget langsung minyak terhalangi sama bedak ini. Jadi hati-hati ya pakainya.
Menurutku sih dia cocok-cocok aja buat touch up, cuma karena ini bedak yang bisa aja tumpah atau belepotan ke mana-mana, kayaknya aku lebih prefer pakai bloating paper aja daripada ditambal bedak lagi buat menghalau minyak di muka. Selain karena kalau kebanyakan pakai bedak ini tekstur mukaku makin kelihatan, aku juga nggak mau komedoku tambah banyak karena clogged pores dari kebanyakan apply bedak ke muka.
Menurutku sih dia cocok-cocok aja buat touch up, cuma karena ini bedak yang bisa aja tumpah atau belepotan ke mana-mana, kayaknya aku lebih prefer pakai bloating paper aja daripada ditambal bedak lagi buat menghalau minyak di muka. Selain karena kalau kebanyakan pakai bedak ini tekstur mukaku makin kelihatan, aku juga nggak mau komedoku tambah banyak karena clogged pores dari kebanyakan apply bedak ke muka.
August is going to end soon, oh my god, how time flies! I'm so sorry guys, I don't stick to my promise to keep writing about my number one of at least something that I like. I was originally gonna write about my top 10 books aka my current reading list but I've been so busy for the last couple of weeks as I've returned back to Jogja for another semester here. Back in Bekasi, I had too much idle time, so of course I got to be really productive with my blog. I've explained it in my last post that I just got back from a short trip to Bali with my family (expect to see a lot of holiday posts in the future *wink*) and it's been a very tight schedule because college has just started again and I flew from one city to the other like a businesswoman in such a quick pace even my friends are surprised that by Monday I could sit my ass back in the class, lol. My parents actually want me to stay longer in Bekasi just for a few days because they thought I'd be exhausted from the many flights I took but I told them I don't wanna be absent for classes.
So for today's post, I'll be writing about another beauty review. I know you might expect a bombass post talking about Bali but I haven't had the time to actually edit the pictures. This post itself (and another few more...) has been laying in the draft almost dead because I never took the time to write about it. And I feel bad because I want to share with you the products before it actually goes out of date. So while I edit my Bali pictures, I will get rid of the drafts by actually finishing and posting them out.
So for today's post, I'll be writing about another beauty review. I know you might expect a bombass post talking about Bali but I haven't had the time to actually edit the pictures. This post itself (and another few more...) has been laying in the draft almost dead because I never took the time to write about it. And I feel bad because I want to share with you the products before it actually goes out of date. So while I edit my Bali pictures, I will get rid of the drafts by actually finishing and posting them out.
Make Over is an Indonesian brand that I nearly mistook as Make Up Forever in the first place. Don't get me wrong, their font has a lot of resemblance. The quality and the array of products they have in the market almost shook me to the ground because I never expected a local brand to be this all out. Y'all know I'm a cheapskate bitch, and to me, personally, Make Over's price point is still a little over my budget and so I never really look into their catalog. Not until one of my friend was trying to sell this loose powder because the shade was too dark for her for only half the original price. I never had loose powder before but after I learn about baking and setting my concealer so they don't crease, I supposed I needed to at least have a loose powder to save my face. Even though it's a translucent powder, it does have color and very subtle coverage. Sadly though, they only have 5 shades and this one is the darkest shade they have. I'm surprised that their fifth shade is actually the lightest shade :( That's what I hate with most local brands here; they don't have a wide variety of shades. Nowadays I think brand really need to expand their shades because, WHY NOT???
It originally comes with a pad sponge but I hate those kind of sponges so I got rid of it. I always have a hard time bringing this powder on a trip because nothing holds the powder from getting out through the holes and god knows how my suitcases got jammed here and there and I'm surprised the product hasn't spilled out and made a mess. That being said, the lid can tightly sealed the powder so you can bring them safely everywhere without having to worry if it will make a mess.

As I've told you before, this powder has a subtle coverage. On days where I don't feel like wearing foundation or concealer or even BB cream, and in dire need of a coverage to look more awake and alive, I put them right on top of my primer and they quickly set! Thankfully they match my skin tone so I don't look like a clown. They're very smooth on the skin despite the thick texture on the hand. I will definitely repurchase this once I run out of it because it's very affordable among other loose powder from other brands and with the many benefits I get, it's such a great product.
If you're a long time blog reader of mine, you must have known that I never have an outfit where I don't wear my watch. I don't wear them during my trips to the beach but even then sometimes I still have my watch on just because I'm too used to have them around my wrist. I may not be the biggest watch collector out there but I collect watches all the time. To me, they're like accessories that complements my look. Mostly I will pick watches with small to medium case to make a smaller wrist illusion. I used to love men's watches what with their giant cases just because I think they're super cool, super strong, and just balance any kind of look. But as I grew older, my bulky watches are only the ones from Casio, I'm talking about their Baby-G collection. My dad bought me one when he was on a business trip to Japan and it was so cute but also too casual. The problem with casual watches is there is no way you can wear them to a formal event. Which is why I try to pick my watches a little bit more versatile, something that can go with any daily outfit, and formal events. I'm talking about minimalist design, subtle color tones, and the most important thing; it has to be an analog.
I have to be honest with you guys, I had never heard of Nordgreen before. So when few weeks ago Chris from Nordgreen approached me through my email being so polite and friendly, offering a chance for me to get to know better about this one Scandinavian brand, I couldn't say no. I mean it was a coincidence because I had been scrolling through the internet, to a lot of online marketplace bookmarking any watches that I could lay my hands on because I was in need of a new watch. And this opportunity came just in time.
So here's a little history of the brand itself;
"Nordgreen Watches was founded in January 2017 by Vasilij Brandt and Pascar Sivam in Copenhagen, Denmark. Both born and bred in Denmark, they wanted to create a watch brand inspired by traditional Scandinavian design, while incorporating the core Scandinavian values of generosity and social responsibility. They were joined by Jakob Wagner, one of the leading Scandinavian designers who actually designed DrägerMan PSS 500 Air Unit for firefighters and who also worked with Bang & Olufsen, Hay, Muuto, and many more brands. With his eye for design, this partnership flourished and three watches designs were completed August 2017." —New Labels Only
And so, I finally had the chance to lay my hands on Philosopher Rose Gold Mesh in 36mm.
Rose gold is such a beautiful color that it quickly catches my attention in between the other two Philosopher's case. The watch originally comes with an interchangeable rose gold metal strap. It's one of my Achilles heels when a watch was designed with interchangeable straps and honestly, I can even change the strap by myself. I don't have to go to a store to help me change my watch straps. That's one of the things I love about Nordgreen. You can change your whole look from day to night event just a strap away. Which is why I had an extra black leather strap shipped together because the metal strap is perfect for formal events and the leather strap for daily wear.
Genuine leather with matching rose gold buckle
Stainless steel rose gold strap
You guys must have been wondering if they cost you a fortune because these days, great things don't come easy affordable. Well, tell you what, Nordgreen doesn't think so. I have to agree when they say beautiful products don't have to come at a high cost. All of their watches are retailed in between 150 - 200 EUR with two years warranty and free shipping as well! It's such a great deal with the quality that you get.

If you think that the grand design of the watch itself is already mind blowing, wait until you know that Nordgreen has a giving back program. Yes, you read it right. It's the very thing that sets this brand apart from other watch brands I've came across. For every watch purchased, they make a contribution for a good cause that we, as customers, can choose ourselves! Isn't that amazing? We can choose between at least three causes:
- Education – 1 month of education to a kid in India
- Environment – 200 square feet of rainforest in Latin America preserved
- Health – 2 months of clean water to 1 person in Central African Republic
So how does this 'giving back' work? It's very simple. Once you make a purchase and receive the watch, you'll get a unique identification code and serial number. You can then access Nordgreen's Giving Back webpage and put the information needed, you choose which cause to support, and once everything's set, the donation will be linked to the watch for the remainder of its lifetime.
It's the little thing like this that warms up my heart. As an environment law student, I highly support this kind of program because we need this, and it's always amazing to be able to give back to the community. So yeah, let's make this world a better place, one watch at a time.
Don't forget to use my code, 'DYN' (or click here)
for 10% off of your purchase!
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