Bioaqua Blusher Air Cushion Shade 01 Review

July 22, 2018

Waktu aku sebut nama brand 'Bioaqua', aku yakin banyak dari kalian yang meragukan brand ini. Karena aku sendiri pun sebetulnya agak skeptical sama brand-brand kosmetik dari Cina. Jadi awal mula kenapa tiba-tiba punya produknya Bioaqua karena waktu itu mamaku lagi lihat-lihat di Tokopedia ada blush murah banget cuma Rp. 40.000. Aku kira produk lokal kan, eh ternyata pas aku lihat si Bioaqua ini. Saking mamaku pengen banget nyobain, akhirnya aku cariin dan beliin di Shopee.

blush bioaqua

Waktu sampe barangnya di rumah, aku langsung jatuh cinta banget sama kemasannya. Kecil, mungil, lengkap ada kacanya, dapet puff, dan cushionnya itu sendiri harumnya enak, ga bau kimia sama sekali. Waktu lihat warna di cushionnya sih langsung mundur 1000 langkah saya, soalnya kayak terang banget. Ya emang sih, mamaku warna kulitnya lebih terang daripada aku. Sayangnya menurutku si Bioaqua ini ga ngeluarin banyak shade. Setahuku cuma ada 3 dan ini shade yang menurutku paling masuk warna kulit orang Indonesia. Harganya menurutku udah affordable banget. Dia dijual di kisaran Rp. 30.000 sampai paling mahalnya online shop ada yang jual Rp. 50.000. Tinggal gimana kita pilih-pilih aja beli di mana hehe. Menurutku ini bisa jadi pilihan bagus buat kalian yang seneng sama liquid blush/blush cushion karena dengan harga yang murah, ternyata produk ini pun ga terlalu mengecewakan.

Kalo udah ditap-tap pake spongenya, dia lumayan encer (?). Menurutku gampang banget diblend di pipi dan ga sampe ngegeser foundation/base make-up. Kok aku bisa tahu? Jadi akhirnya mamaku melimpahkan blush ini ke aku karena ternyata dia ga suka pake blush cushion hihi. Aku awalnya ragu bakal cocok di kulitku karena aku kan lumayan hitam. Tapi ternyata oke oke aja. Warnanya ga terlalu norak dan ngejreng. Emang sih pigmentasinya ga gila-gilaan cuma bisa dibuild semau kita dan menurutku itu poin plus dari produk ini. Baunya juga wangi parfum gitu, bukan wangi bahan kimia aneh, cuma kalo kalian agak sensitif sama wangi-wangian, mungkin bakalan terganggu sama wanginya.


Ini bakal jadi pertama dan terakhir kalinya aku beli produknya Bioaqua. Jujur, karena aku baru mulai belajar make-up, aku jadi kurang ngeh mana aja produk yang termasuk "abu-abu" dan jadi lumayan tergiur sama harganya yang super duper murah. Saranku sih buat teman-teman juga, lebih baik hindari produk dari brand yang nggak jelas. Sayang kulitnya, udah dirawat baik-baik malah bisa rusak karena make-up nggak jelas :(


  1. Wow what beautiful product *_*
    You have a beautiful blog too.
    I just followed you. I hope you can follow me back <3

    1. Thank you, Amra!
      Followed back! x

  2. OMG its packaging is sooo cute!! *-* I never tried a cushion blush but definitely I have to!! I'm using the Makeup Revolution blush palette at the moment but I want to try this kind of product asap!

    1. Oh and I started follow your blog with GFC because I like it! See you soon on my blog! :*

    2. I know, right??? It's like so so cute and travel friendly because it fits the size of my palm! Wow, I love the blush palette from Makeup Revolution, I've tried one from my friend and it's legit super good. Excited to see you trying this one!

      I've followed your blog too!

  3. El color es precioso! Buen post :)

  4. I also don't have bronzer ou contour stuff and i usually don't wear blush, but this one is beautiful and so so cute!

    1. Yes, the packaging is uber uber cute!

  5. Replies
    1. You definitely should! Tell me once you do!

  6. awww so cute colours, it's really real?? I never found that in make up hahah LOL

    1. Hahahah yes, it's a real make-up! xD

  7. Hey,
    I follow you back.
    If you want we can follow each other on Instagram @dujovicandjela

    best wishes

    1. Hi, Andjela, thank you so much for returning the favor! Much love! x

  8. "Okay" skincare made me laugh because that is, to be honest, the right way to describe Bioaqua products. It really is up and down - I have a dark spot reducer serum and, honestly, I just feel as if the dark spots got worse with it. Aside from that, this is really cute Dyn! I don't wear blush either (like ever, before finding my new ONLY blush from The Balm that doesn't make me look like a circus clown) but it really is sweet and I love the fact that it's sheer - too much blush is a NO NO NO! Wonderful post! x
    Marina Rosie x

  9. This product sounds interesting and it has such a lovely packaging <3

  10. Nice product :)

  11. Such a pretty pink shade!
    Yay for freebies... they're the best hahaha

  12. It looks so cute Love it xoxo Cris

  13. Beautiful pink :D

  14. Thank you so much, Natalia!

  15. Hello
    Your blog is very interesting.
    good post :)
