I decided to name this entire look as 'a rolling nastar', credits to my junior in college who calls me that name after I poster one of these photos on my Instagram Stories lol. Of course, there's no reason to get butthurt with the little name because actually, the color of my kaftan kinda resembles nastar indeed. Do you guys know nastar? It's one of those cookies they bake and put on display during lebaran because it's a staple lebaran cookies, I guess? I'm not a big fan of nastar msyelf because they're just too dry and too crumbly and I just don't like it. I've been very lazy lately doing blog walking because I've been obsessed spending too much time in front of my brother's computer playing Dota 2 this entire holiday. But I realize this post has to be posted before June ends because why would I post something that screams lebaran way way after the event has passed. Oh can we all appreciate how my make-up looks so flawless here lol I know that sounds so self-proclaimed but damn, now that I'm used to look at myself in the mirror with make-up, my no make-up look is so horrible pft. I can't believe I used to look like crap on public.
So since I arrived at home just a week before lebaran took place, I didn't really have much time to shop for any lebaran clothes. I was gonna search down the internet of this year's trend, if kaftan is still on the market or they just switch it up with something more elegant but I couldn't find any. You guys know that I'm not a fan of long sleeve clothes because they just accentuate the flabby fat in my arms, right? So kaftan is always a good choice because the bat-wing gives a nice drappery effect that makes the entire look has multiple layers when in fact we only wear one layer of clothes. I also cut my hair pretty short because I got bored with my usual medium long hair and it started growing all over the place so what better way to appear fresh and new in lebaran? For the make-up itself, I just went for a really simple and orange look to complement the color of my kaftan.
Let's all give a round of applause for my little brother because he took all of these photos of me by himself. I'm low-key very impressed because he knows I like symmetrical photos and so he effortlessly achieved that. So, that's it for today, I hope you enjoy this quick post about my lebaran look. I haven't really posted anything fashion-related in such a long time, almost 6 months! I'm sorry, because I haven't shopped any new clothes recently, taking photos for OOTD takes a lot of time and preparation as well. I've spent all of my money on make-up now because it's fun to play with and I just love doing reviews, sharing thoughts about certain products instead of just posting pictures and telling stories. But, you know, I'm very versatile about what I post on the blog. Just leave a comment below if you'd like to see something or if you have any new ideas for my blog. I'd love to hear!
Thank you so much for reading and see you on the next post! xo
Wow nggak kerasa ya sebentar lagi lebaran! Gimana nih persiapannya udah berapa persen siap buat terima tamu kawan sejawat atau keluarga besar? Salah satu yang aku sendiri persiapkan adalah tampil syantek di hari raya. Sebelum aku balik ke Bekasi kemarin aku sempat pesan maskara lewat Shopee karena kepikiran aku belum punya maskara dan rasanya ada yang kurang lengkap aja gitu dandanan buat hari raya nanti. Kebetulan maskaranya lagi diskon dan aku udah lama banget pengen nyobain sejak aku lihat reviewnya di channel Youtube-nya Tati. Plusss, banyak teman-temanku yang juga bilang Lash Paradise dari L'Oreal ini bagus banget bahkan buat yang bulu matanya pendek.
Jadi kalau kata orang-orang sih packaging maskaranya ini hampir mirip sama maskaranya Too Faced yang Better Than Sex. Aku sendiri nggak punya si Too Faced jadi nggak bisa bilang beneran sama atau nggak tapi kalau cuma lihat dari warna kemasannya ya lumayan mirip lah. Brushnya ini cukup padat dan erat, biasanya maskara dengan jenis aplikator kayak gini cocok buat bikin bulu mata kelihatan lebih volumized karena dia bisa ngambil produk maskara di dalam tube lebih banyak dan menjangkau sampai ke akar bulu mata. Cuma buat aku pribadi, aplikator kayak gini kalau nggak hati-hati bisa bikin berantakan apalagi buat apply lower lash line buat kita yang bulu matanya udah kayak kurcaci alias hampir nggak ada.
Setahuku maskara L'Oreal ini ada dua tipe, yang waterproof dan satu lagi yang nggak waterproof. Maskara waterproof bakal lebih kering, makanya dia gampang clumpy di bulu mata kamu. Kebalikannya sama maskara yang nggak waterproof. Enaknya pakai maskara waterproof itu dia nggak bakal smudging di bawah mata. Tahu kan, kelihatan kayak kamu pake eyeliner di bawah mata warna hitam kayak anak band rock. Aku sendiri bukan yang tipe matanya gampang berair jadi maskaraku jarang smudging. Tapi kalau mata kalian gampang berair, you might wanna take a note.
Sejujurnya dengan klaim volumizing dan lengthening, aku cukup kecewa sama maskara ini. Entah memang bulu mataku yang memang nggak ada, atau maskaranya b aja efeknya. Padahal aku suka sama warnanya yang super black, jadi bikin bulu mata lebih kelihatan daripada kalau nggak pakai. Tapi tetap aja, seperti yang kalian lihat di foto di atas, perbedaan pakai dan nggak, nggak terlalu signifikan bedanya. Kata mamaku juga aku tetap nggak kelihatan kayak lagi pakai maskara. So, sebagai orang dengan bulu mata nyaris nggak ada, bisa kubilang maskara ini nggak terlalu mantul.
Sejujurnya dengan klaim volumizing dan lengthening, aku cukup kecewa sama maskara ini. Entah memang bulu mataku yang memang nggak ada, atau maskaranya b aja efeknya. Padahal aku suka sama warnanya yang super black, jadi bikin bulu mata lebih kelihatan daripada kalau nggak pakai. Tapi tetap aja, seperti yang kalian lihat di foto di atas, perbedaan pakai dan nggak, nggak terlalu signifikan bedanya. Kata mamaku juga aku tetap nggak kelihatan kayak lagi pakai maskara. So, sebagai orang dengan bulu mata nyaris nggak ada, bisa kubilang maskara ini nggak terlalu mantul.
Halo, apa kabarnya semua? Maaf ya, lagi jarang update di blog, soalnya aku baru banget balik dari Jogja karena sekarang lagi libur semester dua bulan, jadi aku pulang ke Bekasi kumpul sama keluarga. Aku udah setahun nggak pulang karena tahun baru kemarin aku KKN, jadinya stay lebih lama di Jogja, dan baru sekarang bisa balik. It's good to be home!
Pas udah sampai rumah, ternyata ada beberapa paketku yang udah sampai duluan, salah satunya adalah brow mascara baru yang kubeli lewat Shopee beberapa waktu lalu. Jadi aku sempat nonton Cindercella lagi GRWM gitu di Instastory, dan kuperhatiin dia pakai produk ini. Katanya sih ini holy grailnya Cella, dan aku jadi tertarik banget karena aku memang lagi mau step up my brow game gitu haha. Nah karena penasaran itu lah aku akhirnya cari-cari di Shopee dan dapat di harga Rp 72.000. Lumayan banget kan? Setahuku sih di offline store harganya Rp 99.000-an.
Ini pertama kalinya aku pakai brow mascara, dan jujur kaget juga lihat brush aplikatornya yang pipih kayak gini. Aku kira tadinya bakal sama aja kayak mascara buat bulu mata, tapi ternyata nggak. Jadi di satu sisi dia ada kayak gerigi sisirnya gitu, sementara di sisi satunya polosan. Baunya tuh persis bau spidol, dan cukup menyengat juga. Brow mascara ini ada fibernya yang bisa bikin alis kita kelihatan lebih bushy, lebih lebat, lebih berisi lah istilahnya. Jadinya buat yang alisnya jarang-jarang atau agak botak, pakai brow mascara ini bisa kelihatan lebih nyata tanpa harus kelihatan ngeblok banget kayak pakai pensil alis alias bisa lebih natural.

Sebetulnya alisku itu masih termasuk ada ya alias nggak benar-benar hilang gitu haha. Cuma dia cukup tipis, dan bentuknya pun masih teratur. Malah sering aku cabutin beberapa di pinggirannya kalau tumbuhnya udah mulai berantakan, jadi penggunaan brow mascara ini benar-benar mempersingkat waktu dandan banget karena selain bisa ngasih warna ke alis supaya lebih tegas, juga bisa bikin rambut alis kelihatan lebih rapi dan bervolume. Aku sekarang kalau lagi malas ngalis pakai pensil alis, tinggal pakai brow mascara aja karena lebih simple dan cepat.
Where to buy? cosmeticimport @ Shopee
How much? Rp 72.000
I first found this place back in 2016 in the journey of finding a good taco with my ex boyfriend. There is not many decent Mexican restaurant in Jogja, until I found Papricano. It's located in Prawirotaman and doesn't actually make your wallet blow up from the price itself. The foods served are all Mexican like quesadilla, nachos, burrito, etc. Even the beverages itself are strictly limited to Mexican drinks as well. I really love Mexican foods because they use a selection of spices that are different from Asian cuisine but not resulting in weird kind of combination like how I experience Korean foods.
I've been wanting to review this place since a long time ago but I kept forgetting to bring my camera with me. You guys know that I'm very selective on showing the photos here on the blog, right? Back then, not a lot of people were aware of this place. But now I can easily spot some of my college friends everytime I eat here. The place is very cute and has a great ambiance to spend your idle time with your colleagues.
Chicken nachos - IDR 25.000
Also available: Beef (IDR 30.000) and vegetarian (IDR 25.000)
Chicken quesadilla - IDR 30.000
Also available: Beef (IDR 35.000) and vegetarian (IDR 25.000)
I ordered and ate everything myself because I went here alone not with my boyfriend like I always do. I'm usually enough with only the quesadilla because they're a lot and the nachos are meant to be shared (because it's a lot too). I'm totally rooting for the guacamole and the nachos, they're so heavenly delicious I kid you not.
None of the drinks served are in my liking although they do sell alcohol drinks like Redler but I'm not a drinker myself so I always go for straight cold water because good news, it's free! And you can refill as much as you like. It's a good combination as well because then you don't ruin the taste of the foods with the drink.
Open hours: 16.00 - 23.00, closed on Mondays
Price range: IDR 20.000 - IDR 40.000
Wifi: Yes
Open hours: 16.00 - 23.00, closed on Mondays
Price range: IDR 20.000 - IDR 40.000
Wifi: Yes
Pertama kali cobain lip cream ini waktu aku lagi di kosan teman dan aku langsung jatuh cinta sama warna shadenya karena aku selalu bingung nentuin warna nude yang pas buat warna kulitku itu kayak gimana. Ternyata shade 10 Sweet Choco ini pas banget!
Baca juga: L'Oreal Rouge Signature Shade 116 I Explore Review
Aplikatornya sendiri berbentuk doe foot. Teksturnya creamy banget dan kerasa tebal waktu diaplikasikan, tapi dia keringnya lumayan cepat, jadi aku harus gerak cepat kalau pakai lip cream ini buat nutupin bibir full dalam sekali swipe karena seperti yang aku bilang tadi, dia keringnya cepat. Aku nggak terlalu merekomendasikan double layering karena teksturnya yang cukup creamy dan tebal bikin produknya jadi gampang menggumpal kalau ditimpa beberapa kali. Kalau memang mau dilayer, jangan tunggu sampai dia kering karena bakal nggak enak banget rasanya di bibir.
Baca juga: Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip Shade Bumble Review
Before I start today's post with the obvious; my wishlist, I'm going to scream it out... WE'RE ALREADY HALFWAY THROUGH 2018 Y'ALL. Oh my, time flies like bullets being shot downwards, doesn't it? I mean the word 'time flies' is so overrated now because everybody says that all the time almost every year. But damn... this makes me looking back at my goals this early year and I haven't accomplished anything LOL. Definitely not something that I'm proud of. I realize that I have been very lazy, I take less risks and miss a lot of chances that won't come twice. The first 6 months were filled with failure and regrets. Guess I didn't start this year in a good way. But I promise to myself that I'm going to end this year with satisfaction and flying colors. Yeah! Just like a school report, I am the headmaster of my life and how I perform is going to be judged by me too.
I'm in the age where people around me aka my college friends start graduating and doing their thesis. But not me. I'm still trying to improve my GPA and I don't know why but I feel so left out seeing everyday in social media that everyone is taking pictures or videos of them doing their thesis until late at night and I feel so wrong of not doing the same thing. That gives me pressure, until I look at myself and give this poor young woman a light pat. I'm going there, and I'm gonna be there. I have to focus with my current situation and make the best out of it instead of sulking and worrying. I will get there, in my own pace. Social media is not a good friend at times like this because it's either gonna make you laugh or it's gonna stress you out. So I try to avoid my social media especially Instagram. I want to take some rest.

Anyway, it's June! How's life so far, guys? I know if you take a quick look at my wishlist, they're all make-up. It's starting to grow on me and that sucks man. Maybe I can take turns to make a themed wishlist like next month it's going to be my books wishlist, and the next month is travel bucket list, how about that? Just leave a comment down below!
My June make-up wishlist is the very thing that I've been wanting to buy but never had the chance. Also, I'm cheating. Few days ago there were some huge sale going on Shopee and I took this chance to get myself two items; a mascara and a brow fiber. Yes, you guess it right. I already have the most awaited L'Oreal Lash Paradise mascara in my hand! My mom already received it so it's currently waiting for me at home. The other item is the Brow Precise Fiber Volumizer from Maybelline. If I could score a brow pomade in the near future, my brow is going to look lit as f*ck. You guys know that I only use one brow pencil to shape and fill my brows all this time, right? So I really can't wait to try them all once I get home.
All of the items are relatively old. And I don't particularly need nude lipsticks. I mean I am going for the lipsticks but not the shade as in the pictures above. I'm actually looking for an electric blue shade from Colourpop (which I forget the name) and yes, I know, it's not very wearable and not the kind of an everyday color but I don't care because that's the whole point. I just want to have it because blue is my favorite color!
I'm also very intrigued with Jeffree Star's Velour lip scrub because it's edible. I've seen a lot of Youtube beauty gurus casually eating the lip scrub instead of putting it on their lips and so Jeffree himself said that it does taste so good. My natural lip color is dark brown almost with a purple undertone and I look at these beauty gurus they have such pink and smooth lips and I wonder how because they wear lipsticks everyday. And lots of people have told me to just diligently scrub my lips and keep them moisturized so they don't crack. I need it, I need the lip scrub so bad! :(
Sooo, okay! Pretty much I don't have to explain what the rest of the wishlist are. I assume it's pretty obvious? ;p How about you? Do you have any wishlist for June? Please share yours in the comment box below!
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