My my my, the first time I saw Black Panther on the big screen, I didn't know I'd fall for him this much. I may not be a genuine Marvel's avid fan, but I find myself oddly satisfied with this movie. I've watched enough movies from Marvel to know what kind of plot every movie is going to pull. So you can say, 80% of the time I'm not that surprised. Of course, I know nothing about how the story in the comic book is supposed to be but hey, I still deserve a good movie despite not knowing anything about it, doesn't make me less of a fan. I wasn't expecting Black Panther to have his own movie, just like how Deadpool got his. But there he was, Chadwick in all his glory. I'm so impressed with his acting, and how he changes his accent here, that's gold. He's so soft yet bold. I love his relationship with his sister and mother. I think that's something we all need to highlight.

Even though I had seen it coming, but I still got goosebumps when Killmonger suddenly came up to take over the throne from T'Challa. The coup d'e tat was portrayed very smooth and terrorizing. This movie could bring me to hate the antagonist that much, and that's something I rarely do! You know, sometimes the bad guy is just not evil enough that they're lame, or they're too evil it's getting unrealistic and not enjoyable. This one is in the right amount of evil.

And one thing we should definitely speak about; the women. I watched Wonder Woman few weeks ago and I gotta be honest that I hated the movie. Wonder Woman doesn't portray the true image of a strong woman. Instead, it shows how ignorant Wonder Woman is and how naive she could be. But here in Black Panther, it shows how smart and bold the women warriors are. There's no too much romance between each characters. Sometimes too much romance can stain the story plot like how it happens in Wonder Woman. Actually the romance in that movie is pretty unnecessary. Everyone gets the same right and portrayed in the same level, both men and women.

Last but not least, the culture. I like a movie that introduces certain country's culture. This movie is like a breath of fresh air from Marvel's previous movies. I love the CGI, the whole idea with vibranium and how it's limited within Wakanda only, I love the exclusivity of their power. One of my favorite scene from the movie would be where Okoye asked W'Kabi to put his weapon down. I mean, she would go as far as fighting up against her own partner for the sake of her country. Damn, that's some dope ass shit right there.
All in all, I'd give it 8,8/10!

So this is the decent post of this one because the first time I visited Cafe Brick, I wasn't prepared at all. I didn't bring my camera with me because it was midnight, I even went there in my pajamas and slippers. It was unfortunate because me and my boyfriend ordered a lot of foods on our first visit here because everything looked delicious (which, it was). This time I will show you more photos of how the interior looks like because it's their main attraction. The cafe takes heavy inspiration on London streets and buildings. As a fan of the UK, this is a dreamland for me. It's open for 24 hours and has fast wifi, so if you're bored in the middle of the night and craving for something delicious to eat, this place has a lot to offer.

The food and the cake were excellent. It still has a small room for improvement, it needs a strong consistency on the flavor department across the board but overall, everything's delicious. Although I haven't really tried their beverages but as you know, I'm a fan of manual brew coffee so it's gonna be tough. I just hope their coffee is not as bad as Hayati's.

I'm sorry for the bad quality of the photo, they're super grainy. I recommend you visit them during day time where the sun is still up high if you want perfect color on your photos. The night time is only good if you take indoor photos, or if you bring professional photographer. In this cafe, my boyfriend is not a professional photographer lol so yeah. All in all, I'm still on my last rate. This place is a nice place to hang out or snacking with your clique. Trust me on that.

As you can see here that I'm still wearing the same outfit with the one I wore during my trip to Ullen Sentalu because that day I kinda went all over the place with my boyfriend and one friend of ours. Friendly warning; this is not the original Stonehenge, lol. I've never been outside my country. Heck, I've never even been outside of the Java island :( Anyway, it was really hard for us to get to The Lost World. We had a terrible bumpy ride because trucks and other heavier vehicles destroy the lane pretty hard so you have to be very careful. I don't know how these people create the replica of the real Stonehenge I mean are they a good imitation or a bad one??? Considering I've never been to Stonehenge myself. But they look so good and nice, I mean they don't look cheap at all in the photos. I guess it's pretty okay? What do you think?

Ooo, it's rare for me to open a post with the face of my boyfriend's. There I give you the honor to enjoy his round and chubby cheeks before we get into today's post.
I've had this post laying in my draft for a year now, lol. Well, not exactly 365 days but I went to Ullen Sentalu last year. I was too busy preparing for the community service program that I couldn't even manage to write something about the trip on the blog. Because you guys know me. I'm not going to write a blog post with little writings to it. I think it's the only obstacle that I face whenever I want to post something. Either that, or I don't have any picture to add. I'm both visual and not. Deal with it.
I like trips to museums or art exhibitions. It's like zen mode, gives me a peace of mind. Because after a week full of responsibilities, all you need is a smol entertainment that makes you coming back to your sense. Ullen Sentalu is famous for its sloping stone wall that you can find in almost everyone's photo trip to Ullen Sentalu. The museum itself keeps a bounty of relics and paintings from the tale of two kingdoms, Jogja and Solo back in time when they were still led by a king. The collection inside the museum are personal collection of the owner of the museum himself. And the most important rules when you're visiting Ullen Sentalu, is you're not allowed to take photos when you're on the tour. Yes, it's a bit strict here in Ullen Sentalu. You'll go by batch every one hour and there will be a tour guide that'll explain you everything, take you to every section of the museum. That's what I like the most about Ullen Sentalu because nowadays people often forget to enjoy the inside of the museum itself because they're busy taking photos with the content. You do get to take pictures once you're on the end of the tour, which is in front of the famous sloping stone wall. That's like the only place you're allowed to since the wall itself was just a replica of the wall in certain temple in which I stupidly forget, sorry.

We were given this traditional herbal drink when taking a break halfway through the tour. You do get to take out your camera and snap some photos here too. They said the drink was the same drink that one of the princess there had been consuming during her lifetime to seem ageless. It tastes like wedang uwuh, it's so obvious that it contains a lot of traditional spices.

This is the famous sloping stone wall that I'm talking about. It represents the lack of knowledge of our young people nowadays about our own history, hence it's sloping down. There aren't many pictures I can show here but it was a very good visit indeed. Ullen Sentalu is located on Kaliurang highland and you can reach the place by basically anything since it has spacious parking lot. The entrance fee is IDR 50k for weekdays–it's a bit pricey but it's totally worth the money.

I didn't get to write as much as usual because I went on a community service program from my university for 45 days in Gunung Kidul last December. And there was no chance for me make a blog post during that time because there was no internet connection at all. I spent my new year there with my colleague and we got to witness all these fireworks at the beach. Quite a pleasant view that I'd rather enjoy with my boyfriend but hey, a duty is a duty. I didn't make any new year resolution because I always set the same goal every year; to be happy and content with what I already have. I always live a greedy life and I've grown unhappy over time. I get tired and I wish I weren't this competitive with myself. And although it's the same old goal for me every year, it's also something that I have miserably failed to achieve.
I'm now entering the last semester of my study but I'm pretty sure I still need to extend for a year to finish my thesis so I still have to spend another boring year in Jogja. There I said it, this city is getting boring. There's nothing left for me in this city that I can enjoy because I've seen some of my friends graduating one bye one and it gets me really hard. Aside the fact that I miss my parents, I also need to prepare for my own career in the future, getting jobs and helping out my parents. I'll be 22 this April and that means it's only 3 years away until I'm 25 and I remember I told myself I want to get married by the age of 25 lol. Why does time fly so fast?
I also applied for a workshop held by the British Council that took place in Edinburgh. I really wish I could make it through the online selection, I really need the chance. I doubt myself, but at least I still give myself a boost of confidence to submit the entry.
I lost my camera's memory card. That's like the saddest thing ever happened to me because it contains all of my community service program's documentation. Photos, videos, everything! And I lost it all of a sudden, I don't even know any possibilities of places I could've lost it. Thankfully I stored some of the photos on my LINE's album. These firework photos included. Anyway, how do you like them? They're so beautiful, right? I like taking photos of firework. They're so beautiful.
I decided to change my blog's title and some of its buttons because I'm bored with minimalism. When I looked at my blog few days ago, I realized I needed more colors than just black and white and grey. And then I went to Color Lover and browsed for rainbow palette and found one. I like how everything turns out because it's so cute and lively now. I chose the word 'Matari' which means 'the sun' in sanskrit language. I have developed a special connection with that name. And so I thought I had to put 'lucid dreams' to rest and change her into something much more refreshing and fun. So... yeah. I think that's pretty much it. This is just a random post before I start posting about my super late trip with my boyfriend to Ullen Sentalu, The Lost World, and another in depth cafe review of Cafe Brick that I've promised you before.

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