Ruby dress, Zalora platforms
I'm sorry that I've been going MIA for the past few weeks because I'm still adjusting to going back to campus for my hopefully last year of university. However I managed to have some fun with my friends during the orientation days to dress up in bohemian to welcome the new students, it's one of the many things that we, law students do, when we're not studying. Despite the oh-so-very annoying appearance of my ex and his girlfriend (um, ew? lol) which kinda surprised the rest of us because nobody really wanted them there but hey, there's a reason why pests are called pests *shrugs*. Anyway, once the theme was announced, I couldn't really think of anything bohemian aside from sabrina tops, flare pants, tapestry garments tied around the waist, or anything that screams Coachella. But since this is to be worn inside the campus area, I don't think wearing something that flaunts the skin too much is allowed... Remember that less is always more. And since I didn't have anything to wear, either because I wanted to wear something that my friends have never seen before, or because I had no bohemian-themed clothes at all, me and my friends rushed to this store called Rubylicious in Kotabaru to grab some new clothes (+ chokker for me and Dio, ha!). All of their clothes are really affordable and cute and in great quality too! I spent around 100k only for the dress + the chokker.

Anyway I've been thinking lately, about how I think that I always stand on the right side of the community. I mean, I'm never alone, I'm always with the more positive side with the right people, I'm never in the side of community where we beg people to talk behind our back (even though I realize there ARE people like that but at least the amount of people are not the same compared to the wrong side of the community). Everytime I look at my ex walking by with his girlfriend, I'm so glad. Because turns out, everyone, literally, e v e r y o n e is talking about how disgusting they are, both as an individual or as a couple. I never intend to make people to take sides but when they ask me and hear my story, they start taking sides naturally. And I'm friends with my ex's girlfriend's friends, and everytime we hang out together, they're always talking about my ex and his girlfriend, of how horribly disgusting they could be and how no one actually wants them here. And at that time, I feel somewhat relieved. I know I shouldn't, but it feels so good knowing that I'm not the only one who sees the negative in them. What's even worse is when I know that this friend puts fake masks in front of my ex's girlfriend to act nice and all when I know the truth that behind it, she's shitting about her. But that's not my problem. I feel bad, for being the thorn in the flesh. But I can't help but to feel satisfied when I see her alone, not knowing what to do because apparently, no one wants to be friend her. Well, who wants to have a friend like her?

Okay, enough the talk of me being the supervillain that I've always been, I just need to let the thought out. School has just started last Monday which is why I haven't been able to post anything even when I have a lot of materials to be posted. Anyway, I'm looking forward to this Sunday because duh, Prambanan Jazz, anyone??? Whoop whoop! So excited to be able to watch Kahitna and Yovie & Nuno on stage, live! Well, gotta go back watching more Masterchef season now. Talk to you soon! xx
Hey! Hi!
ReplyDeleteI really liked the post hehe. I just got to know your blog and I'm following it, will you still give me back?. Thank you. Thank you.
A hug!
That's okayy, everyone goes MIA some times lol
ReplyDeletePretty as always!
I loooove the 2nd pic
The mood and emotion is perfect
You look like a kind of forest fairy in that pic
Thank you!