It's finally here! The long awaited 'what's in my bag' kind-of post! I was gonna do my daily bag at first but realized that now I'm already back at my hometown and I don't really bring my usual bag with me so no for that. Instead, I'll take you guys to take a closer look to my make-up bag! c: Excited? Because I am! Now now, I used to be this girl who paid little to mind about make-up shenanigans because I was too comfortable in my own skin! But ever since I got into university, my whole perspective about make-up changed. Added the fact that I also broke up with my last boyfriend last year, I became more and more serious about make-up to make myself look so much more present for people's eyes. Make-up to me was never about faking my looks. I like women who are so good in make-up and actually know which facial feature needs to be enhanced. Because that means they know how to present themselves to look more decent. I used to be okay going out without any single make-up on my face, but now after I get used to put some on, I can't even go a day without drawing and tending my brows. Make-up routine becomes a fun activity for me, and most us women I guess. Okay so without further ado let's get started!
The make-up bag is pretty big, you can see how big it is compared to my hand in the first photo, which is why I stuff it with a lot of stuffs. I got it as a gift after purchasing a lot of make-up last time, please ignore the missing embossed letters tho (it's supposed to say 'DYN'). I love to have everything with me when I'm away running errands. Because I usually stay out from morning until late night and sometimes to freshen my look I like to change my make-up just to give people a different look. Here are some of the essentials I always have with me:
- Mustika Putri compact powder
- Purbasari matte lipstick in shade 81, 91, and 93
- Wardah BB cream in Light shade
- Candy eyeliner
- Catrice nail polish in color number 39 Black To The Roufell
- Maybelline Color Show eyeliner in number 08 Deep Black
- Mizzu waterproof power volume mascara
- POND's daily moisturizer for acne solution
- Clean&Clear oil control film
- Mirror
- Comb
- Viva eyebrow pencil in black
- Eyelashes curler
- Sharpener, to sharpen my eyebrow pencil
Before, I used to wear glossy lipstick from Wardah when the whole SMLC from NYX got very popular in the market and around my friends. It was still too pricey for me and as much as I love make-up, I'm still a student and I love budget-friendly make-up stuffs. So when I heard that a local brand called Purbasari released a series of matte lipstick that only costs me thirty thousands rupiahs each, I couldn't help but to get one right away. My first shade is the Diamond, and the other two, Beryl and Opal, they're new, I just got them this early year.

Okay so ignore the lipstick stain because that looks so unhygienic. I usually clean them everytime I'm going to wear it but I always get rushed so yeah... Anyway, the Diamond shade is what I like to use the most on a daily basis because I have dark lips and the color lights it up right away, balancing the dark hues. But I also like to experiment with the other two even for a simple day out with some friends. Opal looks like dark purple and Beryl looks red on my lips. Both of the latter are more suitable for formal events but really, that's the fun thing about make-up, you get to play with whatever colors that make you happy and confident. But I rarely wear Opal just because purple doesn't always go with all colors and I like to coordinate my lipstick with my outfit as well.
So yeah! That's that, it's pretty short right. I really want to make at least one video of how I do my make-up at least on a daily basis, but I realize I'm still missing a lot of things to actually get there. If you guys are wondering about how any of those work, you can always leave a message in the comment box and I'll answer right away! Thank you for reading and have a nice day! xx

Hey hoo! It's me, updating for the fifth time in a month, wow! I gotta say that is one big achievement because as you can see, I barely wrote anything in the previous months. With me being sick and had to undergo another surgery, I couldn't really get my hands on the computer. But thankfully now that I have recovered so much more compared to a week ago, and also because it's Eid Al-fitr, so I can slip into my blog and see what I can write.
I realized that I haven't done any meaningful outfit posts for months. I remember taking pictures with white background without any tripod in my guest house's bedroom but after I moved out from my old guest house, the interior was just not good enough for me to take photos indoor. Especially because my room has somewhat cold and damp vibes since I don't get a lot of sunlight in on a daily basis so I hate having to take photos inside my room. And I have never actually do an outdoor photo session for my outfit posts. I mean I don't know how those bloggers do it but how do they do it??? Do you dress up and then you go to a place and just start taking pictures and then that's it? Uhhh that sounds like you're doing too much just for the sake of an outfit post, no? Maybe the reason why I've never taken outfit photos outdoor is because there aren't many people to help me to take photos. I get it that we all have different aesthetics but sometimes I wish I can double myself so I can at least save more time from giving people 'How To Take Dyn's Photos According To Dyn' guide. But hopefully, just hopefully, I can start doing outdoor photo session because it's gonna be fun to look at, right? Aren't you just bored to see me standing in front of a white wall and pose? But first I will have to look for some friends to shoot with.

Back when I was still in Yogyakarta, I told my mom I wanted to buy a new dress for Eid Al-fitr. I remember seeing my ex's girlfriend in this pretty pink kaftan and I kinda wanted to make a joke out of it by getting one and doing the same pose in the exact same place like her in the photo and posted it online just for fun. But, turns out the style of the kaftan was too outdated so I decided to do a little research and found this wrap dress that is very easy to wear. I still decided to go with pink so I can match with my mom's outfit. I don't know exactly how much this dress costs me and I don't even know where did my mom get it but I will edit this post later to add some details.
It's always nice to be able to celebrate Eid with my family. Some of my friends don't get to celebrate Eid with their loved ones since they're still on KKN. And since I'm not taking KKN this semester, I get to go home and be with my family during Eid. How about you? How do you celebrate Eid? :)

This was supposed to be posted few months ago around February or April, right after I finished my mid semester exam. But as always, uni life got me stuck in the middle of nowhere and that's that. So one day around that time, me and my friends decided to go visit Hayati, a new cafe at Demangan while waiting for Rama to finish his Friday pray. I've been wanting to visit Hayati since it's located right next to Popoluca's offline store and it has this industrial interior design. People have been posting about it on Instagram and it has became the 'it' place for hanging out because it does have cozy surrounding and plays really cool playlist. Though I don't really fancy their coffee selection because it's too mainstream and too overrated. The taste is pretty much so-so, doesn't leave any remarkable taste on my tongue and I still prefer Blackbone over Hayati. However, if you happen to shop at Popoluca, you can always pay Hayati a visit to take some Instagram-worthy pictures but maaayyybe not for the coffee? Tell me how it tastes for you guys!

Pictured above are Dio's tea, Rhia's ice chocolate, and my red velvet coffee. As I've told you in the previous paragraph, it's struggling in having an iconic taste that would make you remember Hayati itself. It doesn't really make me craving for more aside from its amazing interior design and many cool photo spots, but the coffee is lacking in the marking department :( Shame because even the choices of the coffee itself is very limited and mainstream. You can find the exact same menu Hayati has at other coffee shop and it would taste just the same. So yeah, once is okay. But the second time here would be very hard to decide.

Rama's shrimp salad - it tastes decent fortunately

Now here comes the rating part! I'm not trying to sugar coat everything nor lying about the coffee here but this is truly coming from the heart okay so I hope anyone who reads this understands that it's okay not to write daisies and ponies and unicorns about a certain place's foods or beverages because why would you even write down something dishonest, right? Though Hayati doesn't leave me speechless with their coffee, they still amazes me with the interior and the playlist. Their outside hang out spot is also nice and looks very pretty, which becomes a bonus if you're planning to do your paper with your friends here. However, I'm down for the coffee because I'm a coffee junkie! So let's split the rating; 8/10 for the interior, but 4/10 for the coffee. Whoops! I hope next time I pay them a visit, they would improve their coffee.

Oh she goes beyond your expectation? Good, good. Please don't let her go. Post her more, showcase her more. Praise her more. It will do you good. I'm too used feeling this way to even cracked open again. But I hope you're great. So great that I don't need to look for you every once in a while.
I'm sorry I didn't say anything on your birthday. Because I was so scared I would lose you again after knowing what she gave to you. Of course that shouldn't matter. I tried to involve everyone who loves you into your gift while she kept it nice and private and gave you exactly what you want. I just made things because I had no money to buy you that board game that costs me two weeks of my living cost. But hey, at least my gift was made by my own hands pure from the heart. But you didn't post it on your social media and confide it and so, up until today I think you hate it and find it ugly.
You like her in short hair. You used to plead me not to cut my hair even for an inch. Because you like it long so you can play with them. But that's okay maybe that's so you won't ever have to remember the pain you gave to me while looking at her.
Yeah, I do still have feelings for you. Not sure what feelings tho. Hatred? Anger? Jealousy? Disappointment? Or love? I have no idea. And I still like to touch the wounds whenever it tries to close up. Like what I did this morning when I checked your and her Instagram account out of the blue and saw everything I didn't really want to see, but well, it was as expected. My heart has stopped breaking because you can't break something that's already broken, right?
I hope you're doing great.
I hope you're happy.
I hope she's grateful.
I hope she's the one.
I hope you guys make it until the end.
In order to let go, I have to admit that I'm unhappy. Then I have to admit the reason why. And understand that I have to accept and let go. No more lying.
But I'm sorry that we still can't be friends. It's not that I haven't accepted you wholeheartedly, or I don't want to. But Sade's right; I can't force being friends with someone like you. If I were friends with you again, I would accept you as you are. And the more I accepted you, the more I wanted more. So I'm sorry that I still can't talk to you. Though I would love to play that board game you like so much hehe. You must be frickin happy to have her, since she goes beyond your expectation. While I was just like what you expected me.
Again, Sade's right. You forced the break up and closed the door when things were still unsettled. It was done for you, but not for me. And relationship is all about two people, so you can't expect things to be okay when you make decision for one. It's even worse when you just waltzed out of my life with another woman just like that and refused to settle things down until I'm satisfied with the situation. But if that's how you live, then I'm bound to feel this way.
I wish I can find my own happiness soon. Just like you did.
Even though a part of me says I still want you to be my happiness.
But we can still have our happily ever after ending, separately.
Finallyyy after two months disappearing again and again from the blog, I have something to share with you guys! c: So it's that time of the year again, which means, it's time for ArtJog! It's my third year celebrating ArtJog, I still remember the first time I visited ArtJog 8 and it was so amazing, so many interactive artworks and creations, so overwhelming. I always love going to the museum or art exhibition (that's like my thing!) and every year I cannot wait to experience ArtJog because they always come up with exciting theme and crazy art, it will make you totally jealous. Although sometimes let's admit it, we are more focused on taking 'artsy' photos in the exhibition because of our narcissism (because I do too!) but ArtJog actually gives you something to think about, always. It's refreshing to see all these gems because some of them gives you ideas and some leave your jaw hanging. It's always up and down in ArtJog. Okay so enjoy the photos. And as always, see you on the next post! xx
It was so hard to catch these lights on at the same time, ugh!
My partner for ArtJog since ArtJog 9
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