Back with me again, spilling out my thoughts about a certain movie I just watched just because. I miss doing reviews. I'm not sure that there are people out there who want to know about what I have in mind about certain things but hey, I'm not doing this for anyone else anyway so I'll just keep doing whatever I'm doing right now. So few weeks ago, but not so long ago, I went to watch Coco with my boyfriend because the movie was becoming the talk of the city, with everyone saying that it's highly recommended and will bring you tears. I didn't even know at first what Coco is all about, I didn't even know it was an animation movie, AND I didn't know it comes from Disney. I mean I've grown skeptical about Disney movies for the past two years now, like I'm starting to grow out of their story plots after Frozen came out. But then I entered the cinema and looked at the poster and it totally reminds me with The Book of Life. Mexican background story, skeletons, Day of The Death, music-loving boy happens to be born in a family that despises music, they're almost ripping off The Book of Life's story plot. As I looovveee The Book of Life, I was almost worried that their next franchise would be taken over by Disney because of Coco. But I don't know whether these two movies are related in their production or not.

So just like my any other posts about movies here in the blog, it's going to contain spoilers and probably meaningless ramblings. I'll just get straight to the point; I love it. I'm a sucker for family movies, and Coco is heavy with it. At first I wonder why it's named Coco, the grandmother of the main protagonist, and I get it during the end of the movie. My father used to leave me when I was a kid for work. He used to work for this company that placed him in cities across Indonesia and I only got to see him for barely a week each month. On bad days, I didn't even get to see him for two months straight. Until he realized that he had missed a lot of things from me and my brother growing up without him that he finally decided to resigned and looked for another job, one that didn't make him leave home for far too long. Coco has successfully made me cry a river, because it's exactly how it was with my father. There's a reason why my brother is not that close with my father, because their lack of communication, and how my father was never there during his best moments, they were so far away. Only after father moved back that we tried to fix everything. And I cried in the cinema. I couldn't even stop myself, because I can totally relate to it. Whatever your goal is in life, you should never forget your families. They're your roots, they're the very thing that keeps you on the ground.

Plot twists are amazing, I will not say what it is though, characters are deep, I personally love the story between Coco's parents even in the afterlife and how it ends beautifully. I cried for the second time when Coco's father can finally cross over the flower bridge to visit their family in the Land of The Living. It's very, very touching. Overall, I would say 10/10 man. It's totally worth the watch.

Hi, how's everyone doing? I miss blogging so much, but I've been busy with PLKH the last few weeks because that subject lasted the entire semester, but now that I've finished everything, I can really use some spare time before I move on to final exam, and then KKN. Ugh how I'm really not ready for KKN at all :( I've always been a city girl, and I hate not having access to clean water for bath because my skin is pretty sensitive and I get rash easily if the water's not clean :( But anyway, I went to this cafe with my boyfriend in the middle of the night for a quick coffee, and we were looking for a 24 hour coffee shop, since we've never been to Cafe Brick, and everyone in Jogja has, we decided to go there. It was almost 1 AM and we managed to order a lot of foods to satisfy our late night craving :p Okay, maybe just MY craving, not his. Sadly I wasn't prepared to review everything because I didn't bring my camera with me and I even wore pajamas and slippers here. I do miss taking pictures and reviewing cafe with my boyfriend tho :( Nowadays it's getting more like a sudden plan like "Hey let's go here" and "Oh ok I'm hungry anyway" so I never really prepared for everything :") I must say though, Cafe Brick is going to be my favorite place to be because it's not easy to find a cafe that offers you everything you love in one place, and they're open for 24/7 I mean ??? hello, that's like perfect!

I love this setup so much I mean they clutter this section but in a very neat way

I promise I'll come back soon to review this place in a proper way, my way. So stay tuned!

I've been enjoying snapping pictures from my phone recently. I love how simple it is sometimes, to just point and shoot and edit them right away because photo editor is getting more and more advanced these days. I just started a trial membership on VSCO X, their latest service which by the way, is very awesome and highly recommended. There are so many choices of analog film effects in VSCO X and if you susbcribe to it, all the filters will be free and you'll get new additional settings and even create recipes aka your very own filter that you can apply over and over again for other photos. All the photos above are taken using my phone and edited in VSCO, I also like to add a depth of shadow using Instagram's built-in editor until 50% (the last picture). What do you guys think? Yay or nay?
I went to Jogja National Museum with my boyfriend to see Biennale Jogja XIV Equator #4 art exhibition. Ever since I got here and joined the art group, my love for visiting art exhibition has grown even fonder. Because, back in Bekasi, there aren't many exhibition let alone an art exhibition to visit. I have only been to the National Gallery in front of Gambir because my best friend's father works there, so I get updated a lot on what exhibition is currently going on. Jogja has been raining madly for the past two days and my boyfriend and I had to wait on the side of the road in the middle of the way for the rain to stop until we decided to just keep going lol. Thankfully we didn't get soaked that much! Unlike Artjog, I've never visited Biennale's previous art exhibition. I think their name is not as big as Artjog here. The biggest differences between the two is Biennale is free while you get charged for entering Artjog. Biennale has this weird freaky vibe throughout its artworks. I can't quite explain about it since I'm not an expert but if you happen to visit it, I'm sure you'll understand what I'm talking about. There's even one artwork that smells like poo, I mean real human poo. I couldn't even stand being in that room for more than two seconds. I managed to get a photo in there tho lmao thank's to Caesar who apparently didn't look frazzled by the smell at all. Well, enough with the talking. I'll let you enjoy the photos me and my boyfriend took!
I initially don't like to take self pictures on an art exhibition just because I think it's so norak and disrespecting the artwork itself??? But at the end of the day all I have in my camera is pictures of me posing in almost all art installation lmao. So please bear with me because I will shower this post with my face instead of the artwork!

When I first got my first coffee from Couvee, I immediately hated them because I thought they were going to be one of those little coffee shops that has no signature at all that makes them stand out in the crowds of Jogja's coffee shops. But I gotta say, it was my fault. I should judge a coffee shop based on their basic drink. I tried red velvet cheesecake from them and it tasted so weird, like it's a high concentrated milk and creamer and sour and it was just not good. But then one day my friend brought one glass of coffee from Couvee, it was an ice white latte with two pumps of sugar, and she asked me if I wanted to take a sip. And so I did, and my whole thought about Couvee changed. Now I can't go a day without grabbing a glass of white latte from them. I can't really say I'm rooting from them because their non-coffee beverages are just too overwhelming, but I'm totally down for their basic coffee. So if you're in the area of Kaliurang KM 5,5, don't forget to pay a visit at Couvee! My white latte only costs me IDR 15K!

I can't really remember when was the first time I fell in love with the world of photography. It just struck me one day that I love to take photos and experiment with a lot of perspective to create my very own version of beauty. With each photo that I take, one after the other, I grow along. I learn bit by bit what kind of style suits me best, what's my aesthetic, and how I develop feelings from my photographs. I used to think that to produce amazing photos, I gotta have the most high end camera. Until I realize that I can create beauties even with a simple phone camera. Your camera doesn't define the quality of the photos you take. It's you. It's the emotion that flows through you when you take photos, translated implicitly in the angle, the object, the brightness. It's the way you see the world from behind the lens to create your very own version of reality so others can see it too. I have seen countless people treating DSLR and mirrorless cameras like they're just point and shoot cameras. Now that I've tasted the world of film photography after years playing with DSLR, I can confidently say that it's really a matter of preference. Neither one of them is more superior than the other. Just because it takes more effort, money, and money to develop photos from film rolls doesn't make film photography is more valuable than digital photography. Like I said, it's not the gear, not the camera, not the equipment; it's you.

My first camera was a digital pocket camera. It has 22x zoom and white in color. The depth of field that it created wasn't so bad, but I had to work through it since it was an automatic lens. And then I fell in love with DSLR cameras, because of its manual setting in getting depth of field of your desire. And so I got myself a Canon 600D and went mad over its abillity in shooting pictures. I have always been the digital girl in the camera industry. Who can resist its versatility and customization they offer?
But then I saw my boyfriend, who apparently, not going the same direction as me in photography. Unlike me, he prefers film photography. He might not be the best photographer out there, but something about his film rolls are so enchanting. It has low light, grainy, has greenish and blusih tone in most photos, depth of field is not as strong as mine, etc. And yet... his photos make my heart flutters more than my own photos that are created by DSLR. He kinda challenged me to start snapping photos in film, using one of his camera. I was so giddy, even though it was just a point and shoot camera, but the rush of excitement that runs through my mind knowing that none of us knew how the result would be yet it didn't stop us to keep taking photos. Being used to using DSLR, I focus on the composition of the photo that I take. If I don't like it, I delete it and retake another one. But with films, I learn the mechanics of the camera itself. Because films can get over or underexposed if I set the light meter wrong, or if I shoot in low light surrounding with wrong ISO. Doesn't that sound fun?

Location: Malioboro
Fujicolor 200 - Octopus Panorama
So yeah, this is my first ever roll of film that I took using analog camera. I used to have one as well but I threw it away once I got a digital camera. Who knows that film photography would be a thing in the future eh? I really love the excitement of waiting your film to be printed because it really takes a while to see the result. It's the kind of feeling that I don't get with DSLR cameras, and definitely the kind of feeling that will reel me back to film photography. I'm sorry if my photos look weird lol. My composition still sucks. But this camera is so fun to shoot with since you can shoot in two different dimension which means two different moods.
PS: Photos are taken by me. Photos that have me in it, taken by boyfriend!

I would like to say sorry from the deepest of my heart, for not seeing you all those years ago. I should've known—my god I should—that you would be perfect for me. Okay, I know that sounds exaggerating, but I've never been this happier in my life of meeting the love of my life. I know it's so cringeworthy, but I'm in love and I always will be so bear with me, you will have to get used to me being cheesy 24/7 to you.
I know I've hurt you so bad in the past. I've rejected you, ditched you, mocked you, I didn't even look at you when I was your only world. And I should have known that your feelings were genuine. Because if I could turn back time, I'd tell my old self to just take you in.
"This man will make you happy. So happy that you will not question anything."
With you, I feel so enough. I don't even feel like anything in me has changed. Everything is just like how it's supposed to be, only better. You always shower me with the much needed affection, but you never forget to let me walk by myself in rough times. It's like as if we're growing together.
Thank you for the second chance. I will not waste it away.
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