Eat and be merry!

September 18, 2016

Last August 31st, me and boyfriend went to Lokal to celebrate our first anniversary by having a simple dinner. Why Lokal, you ask? Pretty much because it's the first place where me and boyfriend finally acknowledge that we were heading somewhere, to be something more than just 'friend'. Looking back to the first time I got into university, I quickly collect several unique stories with some boys here. From unrequited love, to instantly being given false hopes by the others. Honestly for me to be in this step is such an amazing achievement. I'm never really good in maintaining a balance social relationship either with friends or lover. Because I ditch people and push them away because I don't know what I want sometimes. And yet here I am celebrating my mini anniversary with someone who has successfully coped up with my madness and all the tantrums I've thrown. I hope I get to celebrate another anniversaries with him in the future. Can't really imagine myself with another man other than with this lump of devilish fat c:

This post will be filled with many food pictures! Scroll at your own risk! :p

Anyway, to bring back the "moment" from that day, we decided to sit at the same table and order the same foods (while trying another one on the menu).

I finally tried the tomato soup and boy was it good... It was sooo damn good! It was a bit rainy when we had dinner there so a warm sour tomato soup was the best option for you to feel better! I can't wait to go back here again on a rainy day and I will definitely order this along with their hot chocolate, yum! *drolls*

 My all time favorite dori fish teriyaki!

One year is not a short time. We went through many fights and disagreements. We even almost had it on the edge that I felt like breaking up with him was the best decision ever. But I couldn't just give up. Like, this is not how I get through the obstacles. Nobody said being in a relationship was easy, and it's definitely not for the weak. So if I want to survive until the D-day where I get to marry this man, I should never give up on him. Not even the slightest chance. Afterall, if we ever broke up, I'd be terribly sad because I wouldn't have any eating or travelling companion anymore!

Bisous chaton! xx

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