Being a woman with bigger figure than the rest of my girlfriends, I have a bigger challenge to always keep myself in shape. And that, my friend, is such a hard thing to do. Like, no matter what I do, even if I don't eat at night, work out everyday, and consume less sugar and carbo, my body will never get any smaller than it is now. My mom says maybe it's the bone. Some people have big bones that even the thinnest layer of skin makes them look big because their bones are too big already. Let's think of it that way. Remember few weeks ago I wrote a post about my new lifestyle where I control my eating habit and work out schedule? It's been three weeks or more since then, and I haven't filed a report to my doctor because I've been really busy. I should be finishing this program by the end of August and see if anything changes. After taking today's outfit, I start thinking of how to lose some fat around my arms and stomach. All this time I do my diet program to keep me healthy and most of all, to keep my period on the right schedule. When I take photos with my friends, there are times when I feel like I hate myself for being in this shape. But there are also times when I feel so proud of my curves. And I'd like to tell this to you all who have the same thought with me, to embrace your body shape. Because we are beautiful. Do not let the standards that are made by the society make you feel less beautiful than you already are.
Curves are sexy. Don't let them disappear.

Last year, when I was still a freshman and still had that title Gamada, I told myself I will apply to be one of the staffs for the orientation days next year. And so when they held out an open recruitment, I was the first in line to apply. Unlike the old me when I was still in elementary school, I love making new friends now. I'm not afraid to speak in public and I'm good in ice-breaking. I get close easily with everyone and I friend with the most amazing people. Ever since I opened myself to the world, my social skill has gotten so much better somehow. I love changes.
Now, I'd like to welcome these Gamada with my warmest welcome to faculty of law.
It's sad that now I'm not a Gamada myself anymore. I have juniors now, and somehow it makes me feel melancholic because I'm no longer the youngest one in the faculty. But life goes on, eh? It sure does.

Last Sunday I went for a trip to the beach called Wedi Ombo. Sunday was the only spare time I had before I jumped into the tight schedule for the whole week so I used it to have some entertainment. Knowing that Jogja has so many beaches, I have sworn to myself to visit each one of them and have my trip documented. Yes, to some people, all beaches are the same. But to me, they're totally different. Like this one for example. It's so far from the heart of the city and takes up to two hours driving by car. That is if the road is empty and you drive over 60 kmph. When we first arrived there, the beach looked deserted like it hadn't been found by the people. Only few visitors including us were seen that day, so it felt like it was a private beach. But that only happens until 9 am. Afterwards, the beach got filled with more tourists and groups of people, even boy scouts. So I decided to get out of there before the beach got more crowded.
It was so much fun! The wind wasn't strong like any other beach I have encountered. So I could take many photos without having trouble with tangled hair. The water was also really clear and 'playful'. Unlike the southern beach, Wedi Ombo has cool water and many friendly rocks so you can step on it and pose on a yoga pose or pretend like you're standing on a water like I did on the photos above. Too bad that I didn't get to take a dip because I didn't prepare any change clothes. I'm still wondering how it feels like to swim between those rocks.
Unbranded top, shirt, shorts, and shoes
"Love isn't what make the world go round. Love is what make the ride worthwhile."
It's okay to stay single for years. Maybe because you haven't found the one. Maybe because you're too afraid to try again. Or, or maybe because you realize that happiness can be achieved even when you're all by yourself. I can understand that. It's okay to reject the one who loves you, just because you don't feel the same way, instead of giving them high hopes. It's okay to fall in love with the wrong person. Because you will never know when this kind of person will come again for the second time in your life. It's okay to stay single than be in the wrong relationship. It's okay to love yourself first before someone else.
Months ago I fell in love with a man. I guess it just didn't work for us, haha. So we called it quit. But we remain friends and I still keep a good relationship with him. A friend of mine told me I was loving the wrong guy. Back then I told myself I never want to be right ever again if what she said was right. I don't even understand with the term of "loving the wrong person". Better yet, how can you tell that person isn't for you?
I have a question that's been lingering in my mind for the past few days; what if you loved the wrong person, but he was all you've ever wanted? What if, even you knew that you can't be together, years from now you wouldn't meet the same man like him twice? What if every time you tried to encounter another man, you would always be reminded with this guy from your past?
What if he were the one but you're not?
Unbranded top, Gesale skirt, ICONinety9 shoes, Buddy Books note
I just got back from having another meeting with the staffs for the orientation days today. And oh how I miss being busy again. I just wish that I can work with the people I know because most of them are new friends. I've been spending my time alone. Like eating alone, jogging alone, shopping alone... My friends haven't come back from their hometown and they'll be here on 13th August so it's still a long way to go until we're reunited. But I'll be busy with some preparations for the orientation days as well so I hope I don't have to feel lonely!
Lately I've been looking different, my mom says. For those of you who happen to be following me on Snapchat and Instagram, well, I've been doing some massive changing on my lifestyle. Why, why now, why all of a sudden? It all begins when I realized my period was late. No, I'm not pregnant. I'm on my period now but I missed my period on July. I didn't have my July period so I went through the entire month without having any period. I told my mom about it and she suspected me if I ever had sex with anyone. Mom, seriously... And then I came up to my friend and he told me maybe it was my hormone. Yes, I asked a boy about late period. He then suggested me to take some drugs and drink a traditional drink to bring back my routine period. And I did what he said. Now I can have my period back. But afterwards, I think about what he told me about my hormone. All this time, for the last six months living far away from my friends, I had a very terrible lifestyle. I consume too much bottled drinks, oily foods, I rarely do sports, I sleep all the time thus my body doesn't have the time to burn all those fats, and I almost never ate vegetables or fruits. During that time, I could actually feel my body becoming weaker and weaker each day. I only took some vitamin C to keep my metabolism maintained but I knew it wouldn't be enough.
And after the accident, where I skipped July's period, I realized it's time to change my lifestyle.
I have always wanted to start a healthy life. I just didn't know how to start or what to do. But I've promised to myself this time that I will set myself a schedule and I will try my best to follow my own schedule. I talked to my doctor at first and he set out a few options about what I should and shouldn't do because I have a very weak heart and lungs so I better don't push myself too hard on this. I started everything by choosing carefully of what I eat. Less carbo, more vegetables and fruits. I was never a fan of eating rice, since rice is the number one source of carbo, I have no problem getting rid of it from my eating list. So I try to eat rice only once a day or even more, not at all. But that's pretty hard to do because most of the Indonesian foods here are always served with rice. I also make a schedule on when to eat. I don't eat anything at night anymore, not even a tiny bit of snacks. I only eat fruits and salad and drink more water every night to keep my tummy full. I postpone my breakfast and lunch so I have shorter time to feel hungry. I can now eat only once a day, with fruits and water as my "snack". The doctor says my body will feel a little bit weird and I will experience some nausea because of the changing food supply but it can be balanced by doing sports to keep my stamina. So I tried to set out my own schedule for jogging and doing some minor sports (like push ups, sit ups, and squats). I even use an app to keep track of my calories (ever heard about Nike+ app?) (yeah that actually helps me a lot).
I've been doing this for a while now, and I don't know... I feel so content and happier.
I'm so proud of myself because I can actually start doing a diet program. All this time I thought it would be impossible for me to do that especially because I live far away from my parents now and no one will pay attention on what I eat and what I do. But turns out I finally did it! And I can see the change right before my eyes. It's my third day doing sit ups, push ups, and squats. And my stomach has loosen 3 cm. I mean, it's real. And I wish I did this earlier. Not just it makes me healthier, it also shapes my body. Because honestly, I feel like I'm overweight, you know. Like, I'm supposed to be 18 kilos lighter than I am now. It's the ideal weight for someone as petite as I am, ha! So yeah, it's like killing two birds with one stone.
Okay, okay, enough about that. So, here's the outfit that I wore the other day, you might have seen me wearing the top on my Instagram. I got it in during my return to Bekasi. I told you there's this one mall where I can get basically anything I've been looking for. Yep, I got this top the same place where I bought my kimono vest. I wore it again today to the meeting and it was quite hot today so I sweat a lot in this top. I then exchanged my pants with the skirt (that you've seen me wearing for many times in this blog) and the shoes because I'm sure I bore you guys with the same fucking shoes everytime I post outfit posts. Well, when you love one particular shoes you just keep wearing them all the time! But this time it's different. I opted for my houndstooth flats that I got from ICONinety9, another favorite store of mine where I got most of my shoes here.
A late birthday gift from my high school friends!
Black is my happy colour
So, yeah! I guess that's all for today. I'm so happy to be back on blogging again. I'm happy to be back on my routine taking outfit photos for the blog and editing them afterwards. I wonder if any of you guys made some big changes recently that actually affects your life? I'm looking forward to hear from you guys! 'Til then, have a nice day! xo

As a girl whose parents come from a beautiful city like Yogyakarta, I must say I'm one very lucky child. I mean, this city has the most perfect holiday destination from mountains to temples. There are some of my friends who are not accustomed to living in Java, especially in Yogyakarta (most of them come from outside the island itself). But I'm blessed enough because my parents were born in this city and the majority of my family members come from here as well. So I've grown really close with Yogyakarta since I was still a baby. My family went back and forth from Jakarta every eid to gather with our family. And every visit will reveal yet another new places. Just like this one; Taman Buah Mangunan. It's located far from the heart of the city and I can't tell you exactly how to get here because I don't know how (I'm bad at directions, remember?) and it's really high you technically have to drive up to get to the "balcony". My father was hesitate whether to climb up using our car or not because it was very steep (like, straight 90 degree). But since we knew it would be worth it, we finally did it. And boy it was. The view was sooo beautiful, amazing! I even had goosebumps when I finally reached the place. I quickly fell in love with the view.

Indonesia is currently on the edge of dry season, but it's still getting worse. Drought everywhere, even here in Tamab Buah Mangunan, you can see how dry the land is. The color of the land is very bright and the trees look pale as if lacking of water supply. I wish this drought will soon come to an end. It must be really beautiful to visit this place in its healthiest state. Also, I suggest you to wear pants or jeans instead of skirts, especially the short ones, like I wore that day. Why? Because you'll be taking a lot of stairs and believe me you don't want to catch attention on some wandering eyes, do you? I didn't know the place would be like this. I opted for short skirt because it made me easier to walk around. But the wind was quite strong so I had to be careful not to blow my skirt away lmao.

The view was terrifying, and I swear, you guys have to make a visit on Taman Buah Mangunan. Put it in your wishlist because it's worth it. You'll love the place, the view, you can take many photos and post it on Instagram and make your friends jealous! So, what are you waiting for? ;)
Photos are taken using my phone.
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