Hi people! First of all, I wanna say happy new year to all of you guys! I know, I know, it's been late. Too late I guess. But the past few days were spent with my family and I stayed at my home here in Jogja, not in the guest house as usual. There was no wifi so I couldn't update the blog with anything and for that, I'm truly sorry. So how's your first few days in 2015??? I spend mine going to many places with my family and friends! New year eve was spent watching Oscar having gigs at Tickles cafe, then me and some of my friends decided to go to Parangtritis because we wanted to spend the rest of the night somewhere off the city. I gotta admit it though, that as the time goes by, celebrating new year doesn't feel that exciting anymore. The only thing that keeps the euphoria is the people I celebrate with. You can see the photos through my Instagram :)
2014 has become the toughest year in my life so far. With all the fuss of getting into college and all but somehow I still managed to survive everything. Not to mention how I scored into major I've been dreaming for since I was still in grade five. The hard work really paid off and it felt so good! So I'm wishing to everyone who's facing the National Exam and university tests this year a lot of good luck, especially to my junior at high school :) That being said, I'm closing 2014 with a bitter memory. Somehow I couldn't work things together with my loved one and we decided to drop things before new year. The timing was wrong, I should say, but it's always better now than later. It's really hard for me to let go something so beautiful. I was still being hopeful about us, but I guess I'm just nothing than a friend to him. Oh well.

Today was sunny, unlike Jogja few days back. And my little brother demanded our parents to take us to this newly-discovered beach near Parangtritis. It wasn't really quiet for a newly-discovered though. The waves were really strong and the tide was pretty high. Me and my brothers weren't allowed to go far from the shore by our parents because mom was having her paranoia of us getting swept by the waves... Yeah, right. But it was so much fun! It's been such a long time for us to spend our holiday altogether. My older brother is really busy so it's hard for him to play with us :( Plus, today my parents and my little brother are going back home to Jakarta because his school starts tomorrow and me and my older brother will have our final exams too. Surely I'm gonna miss them all >,<

So, I guess that's all the update for now. I need to continue studying for exam. Cheerio! xx
Good luck to you! :D and nice pictures!
Thank you Dice!