So for those people out there who haven't recognized it at all, yes, I do watch movies as brutal as 300. I still remember the first time I watched 300, it was when I was still in junior high school. On one late night when I couldn't sleep, I turned on the TV and tuned in to my favorite channel I knew would have some good watch while I lulled myself to sleep. And there it was, in the middle of the wheat field, standing the oh so great Leonidas and his queen, Gorgo. Taking a quick glance to their outfit, I knew it was based on the Greek history. And oh how could I resist it? The late history of my former country would always be my favorite subject to talk about.
The overall movie is totally incredible. I saw some changes on Queen Gorgo, I was unsure at first when her face showed that the character wasn't played by the same person (somehow I forgot her real name). But she's still as fierce as ever, as strong and independent as ever. And who do we got here? Artemisia. The first time this character showed up in the movie, I knew she was going to be a really touch opponent for Themistocles. I love seeing female characters being the powerful and dominant ones (reminds me of that vampire movie) (which I address more as sex film, yuck). I was totally amazed by the toughness of Artemisia, of how smart and cunning this character is not just by the description, but also by her look. Sharp jawline, high cheekbones, a-look-that-kill eyes, and how she rocks black warrior outfits. There goes my girl, baby! Being the head of the Navy, why am I not surprised she wanted Themistocles as her vice in wars. Honestly I want to see those two collaborating in a war, against Xerxes, of course.
The movie ended with the Spartans deciding to help Themistocles to win over his war against Artemisia (or in this case, the Persians). Artemisia did die in the end, and to had Spartans fight back alongside with the Greek and Themistocles, oh how I really love the cliffhanger... Seriously you guys gotta watch this movie it's really good (you can still feel aware of the usage of the green screen tho), but not that recommended especially for those of you who can't tolerate any brutal actions because this movie has all kinds of that. Blood splattering everywhere I feel like "yuck"-ing my face. But it gives me thrill and if anyone asks me to watch it again I would definitely say yes! 10 stars out of 10!
Being so creative is hard. This words come from a student known for her creativity and sense of art. I wish being creative was a bit easier because I don't like stressing my mind to be creative. Sometimes I wanna be mainstream, I have my days off too and eventho being mainstream is boring, it gives break to my brain to stop working so hard. Well, unlike few days ago. Today is March 27th, which means my partner in crime, Tara had her 18th birthday. I didn't give her the best gift on her 17th birthday. It was 1D's second album, Take Me Home simply because the album has so much feelings and through that I wanted her to realize that she's as precious as 1D to me (possibly much more than that). This time though, I worked my brain. Well, not really. I was flipping through the pages of reading GoGirl magazine and there was this idea of sticking your old post-it notes on the wall for a DIY quick photo booth in your bedroom. The idea itself is brilliant, yet easy and cheap. Everyone can do it, you just collect your post-its and stick them to the wall. But, instead of sticking the whole post-its to the wall, I put them on a paper, and started writing messages.
I would lie if I didn't say it was a bit rushed. But for something as far as a hand made gift being rushed, I never had it this tidy and neat before. And I have bad experience with my handwriting because most of my friends can't read them :| I don't know what's wrong with it, my writing style often changes from time to time orz... If you know us in real life upclose, you'll realize we both always have something in common. I have to make a list if you ask me what are those, hihi.
Because I'm so cocky as hell, and that's okay~
Tara is my best friend since we became chairmate in our second semester of our first year in senior high. Despite her scary look and younger-than-me face (at least that's what most of our friends tell me), she's the only one who gets along with me really well. I was afraid at first if our friendship would end when we finally chose our major. But turned out it didn't happen that way. We get even closer than before. We still laugh uncontrollably over the smallest little things. We can't stop listening to Prambors, and making up stupid scenes in our heads while doing maths together (which I still can't find the correlation). We're still as inseparable as ever.
I'm so glad to have a partner in crime like you.
Unbranded dress and bag, ICONinety9 shoes, necklace c/o Eternal Girl
O H M Y G O D. It's D-19 to the National Exam and I'm still here doing nothing behind my desk! As you can see I'm trying to finish this post as smooth as I can, without looking too rushed because I still have to get gifts for Tara's birthday tomorrow! Aaaanndd I'm also going to have three days of try outs starting from tomorrow onwards. Oh I wish I can pass them all with good grades, just so I know if I should study harder or not (in which the answer will always be 'YES') (that's like a very rethoric question).
So, I guess we all know that shopping at thrift stores always give us a weird pleasure afterwards. Because you get your favorite stuff with such an affordable price. I have to be grateful for having mom like my mom because she's really good in shopping at thrift stores and bargaining with shop sellers! Whenever she's out for a monthly shopping routine, she will come home with extra shopping bags fulled with our new clothes. The best part is, the stuffs she gets are never in a bad condition or with low quality of sewing. Just like the orange dress I'm currently wearing here! One day when she just got home from shopping by herself, she came up to me and gave me this lovely dress. It has beautiful pattern like it's being carved! >< So adorable ♥ Sure, probably wearing this dress would show my fats but who the hell cares, I love showing my curves ;)
Told you it's like a carved dress
The new ankle boots I got on new year
Bag bought somewhere, given by my aunt
necklace c/o Eternal Girl
I remember I have a lot of accessories and necklaces and bangles :/ But then again, I can't find them anywhere, it's as if they've gone like poof. But of course, this lovely handmade necklace will always be here to save the day! I totally love it and all of my friends love this too to bits! They really like the hand-drawn key within the necklace and it has a very strong vintage vibe, so kewl~ You guys should really get one of these beauties asap! Eternal Girl has a lot of choices to pick~ Oh well, I guess I need to clean my closet to find my treasures back... or else I want them to lose forever.
Well then, have a nice day! xx

Holla! So I guess I can't wait any longer to post about my GITC trip last Sunday to Gallery of Indonesia. We went there because of Fidel's invitation to roam around the gallery since there was a Japanese exhibition held there. I was going to refuse it truth be honest because for godsake I had an angklung recital the day before and I was soooo tired and worn out. But thinking of this is going to be GITC's next episode, I changed my mind and agreed to come along! Went there with our best fellows too, Hika and Amel. Hika's going to apply for Japanese literature in UI and she's always up for things like this—the ones that smell Japanese and such. So of course we had no option rather than taking her with us!
Speaking of which, the first time me and Fidel started this GITC series was kind of random. I remember we went to Pacific Place in Jakarta to get our concert tickets and went roaming around the spots around aimlessly just because there were just too many good photo spot. Our first "guest" was Ghina, a sweet junior of mine, and since we're all kpop lovers, taking the name from Super Junior's photobook title, Boys In The City that has taken until 4 episodes—which the last one took place in Paris—we decided to just call ours, Girls In The City. Simply because we're girls (of course duh) and the main aim of this little trips is to have as much fun as you can! We would pick someone to come along with us, and spend time on streets, take as many pictures as we want, laugh like an idiot, and most important, to taste foods we never had the chance! Before this one, I posted the one we had to UI, it's supposed to be our 4th episode. The third one took place in Gallery of Indonesia too, but I lost most of the photos because my hard disk is broken :( Anyway, just scroll down to see what GITC did this time!

Left a message written in Japanese teehee ;D

Fidel wanted to try Ragusa after postponing the idea for such a long time, so we made it there for quick dessert before lunch (or dinner, was it?). Though we only ate ice cream, it was my second time after my last visit to Ragusa. Apparently it has been 10 years ago??? Haha it's been that long! The place hasn't changed much, still as vintage-looking as ever. And the ice cream still tastes as good as the first time I tried it ^^

And of course, my outfit of the day;

Loving the shoes that come from ICONinety9, which I got on a very good bargain during new year. This pair is a twin with mom's so whenever we wear them people will recognize it quickly that the shoes match each other ;D It's totally comfortable, wore it for hours walking to one place to the other, crossing the streets, standing for God knows how long waiting for the commuter, running across streets, and even until I got home I didn't get any blisters! And I had a quite tough day walking through the city in skirts. I'm gonna learn how to drive properly now even on highways so that I can drive myself to Jakarta when needed, and don't have to take public transportation, fuhhh. Trust me I'm not the type who can take public transportation into good mood :$
Well then, see you when I see you! xx
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