We're in the middle of holiday already, and soon pretty things are going to end by a few days #booo :( And by that I mean school and tasks and homeworks and tests gosh. Oh well, how are you guys spending the holiday? ^^ Christmas has been one of my favourite holiday though I don't celebrate it, possibly because it's in the same time with new year? I've been just sitting around doing nothing. I enjoy watching movies and cartoons in my bedroom while listening to the sound of the rain falling softly to the ground. Yep, it's still rainy season here and it's madly raining every afternoon or evenings. New year and rain never work well together, but I love both so let's just enjoy what I have here.
I've told you before how my mom is getting addicted to making lots of Asian cuisine now. So this would be more likely my christmas (and new year...) foods. She always make lots of them >< At first I was anticipating this because it's rare for me and my family to actually enjoy sushi and its friends. But then it's like everyday is nothing without sushi and sushi... :| They all taste good tho! If it wasn't for the sake of mom's new business I guess she wouldn't dare to make all of these. Don't know whether I should be thankful or not for that lol.
Anyways, I'll be posting very soon for the report of my new year celebration. So stay tuned! xx

생일축하해, 형님!
So it's finally November 8th. Which means it's finally D-Day. Happy birthday, hyung :)
Okay so let's start my national speech. I know I can never thank you enough for being the person you are today. It’s been a year (and few months) since we officially became chairmate in Social 1, huhu. I still remember that day. I’m still amazed what power you posses for dragging me deep into what I am today and for bringing me back to the family of Jakuen ever since. You introduce me to a whole new world, a new side of me I never thought I could’ve became if you didn’t give me the bait to catch. You're like a little spark of colour that never existed before in my life and for finally have you here is my own blessing. Yes, I am blessed to have you as my friend.
Thank you for introducing me to kpop and willing to take me as your dongsaeng. Thank you for making me realize that leaving Jakuen was never be an option. I learned how to get albums from overseas, you help me fulfilling my thirsty obsession of having english chats every night talking absurd things about our bias and random things about them, you brought back my hidden feeling for staying up late reading fanfics, you were there with me (literally, well) in my first concert ever, we were even in the same staff-team back on those days during Jakusai. Wow, I never thought I would make you as my role-model :O
You have raisen me up well. Thank you.
So hyung, I hope in your new age, you can be a better hyung-nim for me. You're my little dongsaeng, who's also in charge as my hyung—okay stop I don't want to question about the "hyung" here it's so confusing. 'Go with the flow' has always been your motto. I know you don’t really plan everything, but I’m sure you’ve got plenty of stuffs planned in your head. Don’t tell me otherwise. Because like a wise man said, "Life is when you're busy making plans." ;) So all I can wish is that wherever the flow brings you into, I hope it's for good. Some people say you're ignorant. For me you simply don't give a damn. Life's all about simple stuffs and happiness, and that's how you've been living your life. You also taught me that.
Hope you enjoy all the blessings and gifts we have for you ^^ I'm not that good with chit chats—though I ever said I am, but I'm actually not that good—so let's end this here before I start rambling about anything else. Once again, happy birthday, have a pleasant life, have a BOY *fucking* FRIEND, and probably think again of getting some short lesson of driving vehicles. Any vehicles :|
我爱你, Lee Sora! I love you and the whole world knows I do! Today's your birthday, have a splendid day. Lots of love, your unnie, best chairmate, Baekyeol shipper team...
Adinda Navartierre // 千月 // 박희린 // にしかわ
Anyway, I'm hungry.... ;))

So I went to Trans Studio Bandung a few years and decades months ago when I had my mid-year holiday. Speaking of which the place is an indoor theme park, it quickly reminds me with Universal Studio in Singapore. And since I've never been to anywhere outside Java island for the rest of my previous life, I was more than happy to spend time here :D It was so magical and beautiful inside. Ah, rewinding the memories again (and it's raining outside when I write this post!) I felt like I was the 8 y.o little girl back then. Running from one photo spot to the other, bumping to some clowns and dolls, got jumpy over the romantic lights. The place was too beautiful to be true, and I'm hoping to get back to this place as soon as I can with my friends!

Forever21 dungarees, unbranded shoes and shirt
You see I love wearing the dungarees. The floral pattern is so pretty >< It's also very comfortable for a long day walk because the material is really smooth and flexible you can even run in it (not kindly suggest it, really). Beware for the wandering eyes though cuz it's super short haha x) Oh and I'm actually in the middle of my mid-semester exam right now. Having this post written keeps planted at the back of my head so rather than fiddling about it, I suppose to let you guys have a post to read today from my blog ahahahah~
So, see you when I see you (and wish me luck for the exams though)! xoxo
Well well well, I guess I've missed a whole lot of internet life for the past few weeks. This is, I must say, the longest break I've ever taken from the blog world. I went to places, spent my holiday beautifully, took pictures like there's no tomorrow, and still fangirling as crazy as ever. I really can't stand for living without personal internet connection—whenever I want to see updates, I have to connect to my school's wi-fi and that sucks. Not to mention the lack of free time I have between the hectic schedule of being in my final year of senior high. I have to keep studying this and that, now that I have extra time to study aside from school, it's almost impossible for me to find free time and take a peek of my internet life. Not-so-proud to say that Instagram and Twitter are the only medias I've been updating in my blog absence. Therefore, making me so poor as a blogger :( But don't worry though, I'll try to make up my mistakes by making some make over to the blog—but I still can't promise you with updates, okay? The web is still on the working, it'll finish on time with new concept! This time I'll try to keep the URL permanent. And the whole concept as well. You've got my words~
Anyway, now that I'm in a new class at nearby course—I've only attended 4 classes until today—there's this one guy that has caught my attention since day one. I always have things for smart guys. They tend to show more respect to teachers and friends, they think before they talk, and the most important, they're quiet. I really wanted to talk to him but never had the guts to because hell, he seems so superior and high class I can't really reach with my very low knowledge. But just yesterday he actually laughed with my ramblings and the seconds afterwards, I found myself talking non stop with him, discussing a lot of things, exchange our minds and well, we kind of argued a little but it was worth it ;D Now that I can't stop looking forward every Tuesday and Friday just to be able to see him! Oh oh, here's for another plus point for me; I had a try out for the national exam last Sunday and since the materials were from the first grade, I was kind of desperate at first because like hell I'd remember everything. So I ended up only studying about English and History. Yesterday I checked the result and God freakin damn it I scored at the 25th place out of 191 students! O.o I didn't even answer the math questions—not even one! Oh that gives me such motivation... :)
Aaaannnddd what's coming to my collection recently is this EXO's repackage album. Though hyung told me not to buy it, I couldn't help myself not to. I mean, not that I want to keep the pictures, or that the CD will remain on shuffle every single day, but more because I have a feeling for collecting stuffs when I have started getting one. Sooo, I don't think I'll be able to keep my wallet healthy if I keep seeing updates from EXO. I'm starting my hiatus now, fuuh...
Till then, see you when I see you! xxx
Studying three Asian's most iconic language (Japanese, Mandarin, and Korean) all at the same time is really challenging. I gotta get my hands used to the different handwriting. Not to mention it's hard for me to memorize all the letters. Especially when it comes to Mandarin handwriting. There are more than 5000 letters and oh my how come Chinese people created such a complicated letters? TTATT The only thing that helps me keep studying about them is my liking towards EXO lmfao. Just kidding, but seriously if I could master all these languages it'd be my own treasure in the future ^^
Until next post, xoxo

Hohoho, so I'm sure you guys have seen some of the photos here on my Instagram weeks ago. It's because the pictures have been ready since I shared it but got to be postponed during the last exam week and broken modem. Since now I just updated my new internet from my phone—yes I'm still using the wifi connection from there—it now reloads too fast like heaven.
So me and hyung went to tried Nanny's Pavilion the other day and it was freaking gewd. I love tasting new foods from A to Z. From uptown to downtown :D Highly recommended for sho. And also, went to the sweetest book store every; Aksara. It was the perfect place for us—we're nerds and love sweet things—and I could've died in happiness when I found lots of stuffs with union jack's patterns on it! Recently school life has been really good. Problems get solved quickly one by one and I really enjoy my days. There'll be another quick holiday this Friday and I'll probably drown myself reading fanfictions.
So, how's your life? :)
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